Continental Clothing Homepag Desktop

Continental Clothing How do you build Europe's most trusted B2B clothing UX?

The Continental Clothing Co. is one of the largest wholesale clothing manufacturers in Europe. They sell clothing to a variety of large fashion outlets, so their identity had to represent the ‘brandless’ nature of their products. As a wholesale service, most of their customers return regularly to submit large orders, and they wanted this to be a seamless process for their customers, and internally.

So, our goal was to create a platform that put swift transactions and useful features ahead of the distracting ‘bells and whistles’ often found on other ecommerce sites. / London, UK / 2018

At a glance


Node JS full stack ecommerce website

Custom Content Management built bespoke

Custom order management software built bespoke

Wholesale account dashboard built bespoke

Usability optimised for returning buyers

Continental Clothing Product viewer Desktop

Hundreds of colours are available in every product, so we needed a bespoke interface to explore them in detail.

Continental Clothing Products Desktop

Functional product browsing being a key priority, we introduced a wealth of useful filtering tools and quick links to make the commerce experience as efficient as possible.

Continental Clothing Homepage Mobile

Mobile optimisation in mind, we utilised quick links and an easy-to-access menu to make purchasing on the go simple. And in true Function & Form style, we ensured the experience was just as slick as on a desktop device.

The results in numbers


Hours of web development

Increase in annual turnover


Languages translated

The subtle art of cross-selling

Continental promo banners designed by Function & Form

Flexible promotional banners were a requirement but not if they distract and hinder the purchase flow. So we ensured they didn't feel obtrusive, becoming a beautiful part of the experience rather than a glaring sales push.

Wholesaler management, simplified

Continental Clothing Account Management Dashboard Desktop

The account dashboard was easily the most complex part of the build, due to the multi-faceted nature of wholesale buyers. So, we broke down and simplified the problem by creating a simpler and more efficient dashboard for customers by introducing modules.

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